today shud hv 2 classes...but tutorial will only starts nex week i thinkkk...yes nex week while i stil have a llllloootttt of time of lepaking, sleeping like gemok cat, watching tv til my buttocks expand like a cushion, eating healthy food as many as i can n keep on repeating doing dat all  again n  again n again i shud do dat noowww!!! cz i know when it comes to the project paper time maybe i wont have the pleasure to enjoy dat again...sigh...uuuhhhuu sedihhhh... time is running fast now...kelipop kelipop cepat ja masa berlalu...havent buy any books yet dowwhh...when will i move this fat big drumstick to pekan buku?? when ? urrmm weekend  maybe..heard dat we will have LDK  dis weekk uuurgghhh....disaster btol! but if the ldk turn out to be a treasure hunt that is least we dont have to be in the class sitting in a circle introducing ourselves to our friend-that-we-hv-known-for-2 years-already-or-worst-our-own-housemates and then do some sort of presentation holding a mahjong paper or interview or acting or blablabla...last sem was the best ldk for me as we only had to watch a movie n then yyiihheaaa balik umah oiii n the 2nd ldk was treasure hunt...not bad.. hope dis coming ldk will better than b4 n pray that i got mr-lupa-nama-tapi-muka-cam-aaroz aziz tuhh again...hes fun n sporting...x yah laahh present2 bagai nie

as for today we watched hindustan, me n ieda wasting our precious time as we may dont hv dis chance again excpt for weekend tu pon kalu dy x dating...banyakkknya kan masa org blajaq universiti ni...haa so blajaq pandai2 bg masuk universiti pastu rasailah apa yg kami rasa hahahah...tapi u ni ja kot hheheh...sian waktu skolah menengah dlu...blajaq non stop smpai kol 2...mereng kepala otak..padahal 10 peratus ja yg masuk masa lam kelas...pastu stdy smapi kol 3 4 pagi..sok bgn kol 6 mengantukkk , mata cam panda pastu blajaq balik dr kol 8 sampay  kol 2...ooiiihh teruk teruk .. stdnt lagi teruk dari cikgu...

sok 2 kelas lecture...set lam mind blajaq dengaq betoi2...xmau maen2 x mau x mau (mak kata)...

oohhh kids happy oliday...sob3...mine was not dat happy as u olls...practical for 1 month was only in the court n case case case...tengok binatang2 tu wahh rs macam cantikknyaaa weyyy x lam court suma black  n white ceehhh excpt aku la bju kurg kaler2 gitu kann awww

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